Occasionally, you may have to miss a class due to illness or an important obligation. However, this should be a very rare occurrence. You should not miss class just because you don’t want to go or there is something else you would rather do. Realize that going to class is the default expectation — it is not a decision that needs to be made. In addition:
You should never miss one class in order to do homework or study for another class.
Some students mistakenly think this is prioritizing; in reality it is nothing more than poor time management. Doing work for one class should not be done at the expense of another course. This will only hurt your overall academic career and not benefit you in any way.
If you do miss class, get the notes from a classmate rather than ask your professor for a copy of theirs. Professors are busy, and often don’t have time to do extra work each time a student misses a class. It is your responsibility to attend class, and your responsibility to get get caught up on the rare occasions you are absent.
There is a strong correlation between the number of absences a student has and their final course grade. Skipping class can be a fast track to poor performance, increased stress and anxiety, a lower GPA, and even dropping out of school. It is something you should avoid at all costs.