If you believe you are failing a class, here are few tips to help you turn things around.
1. Get help.
Maybe your professor isn’t explaining concepts well, or maybe you need a little extra time to master the material. Online help resources can help you learn the material at your own pace and review it until you’ve mastered it. Check out Study.com’s lessons in math, science, English, history, and more and learn the material from engaging, easy-to-understand lessons.
2. Re-order your priorities.
If schoolwork isn’t the first thing on your priority list, you need to change that immediately. It’s one thing to take a relaxed approach to academics if it’s actually working for you, but if you’re in danger of failing a class, that approach is clearly not working.
3. Talk to your professor.
You may be struggling because of some easy-to-fix problems that your professor can quickly help you identify. Even if this isn’t the case, letting your professor know that you’re aware of your poor performance and that you want to do something about it can end up being helpful in the long run. Professors can give extra help or set you up with a tutor who is particularly strong in areas that are causing you problems.
4. Go the extra mile.
If there are extra or optional assignments you can do, make sure you do them. This can help wash out big things that can bring your grade down, like failing a major test or assignment. Also, going above and beyond will help show your professor that you’re serious about the class.
5. Be realistic.
If you’re absolutely struggling with no hope in sight, you might need to take stock of whether continuing down the path of failure is a good idea. It might make more sense to drop the class and get a better foundation of understanding before attempting it again.